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Welcome to the Oerder homepage!   Here you can find more Oerder pages on the Internet.
This may be the crest of the Oerder familiy. However, we are not entitled to use it unless we can document that we descent from the founder of that crest. If you have seen this crest already somewhere in your family records and perhaps have documents related to it, please contact
I explicitely want to point out that the owners of the subsequent Internet pages are responsible on their own for the content of their website.
Real Estate Oerder in Leverkusen
Oerder Sales Consulting in Kerpen
Father Karl Oerder at Don Bosco's Salesianers
Stefan Oerder in Bergisch Gladbach
Shane Oerder in New Zealand
Frank W. Oerder in Leonberg
Intent of this webpage is to reach all who either have the name Oerder or run a business under that name as long as they agree to be linked via this page. If you also want your website linked please click here for further information.

Last update: 03-OCT-2004